Saturday, October 22, 2011

simply complex

Sometimes it is good to have hashing sessions with friends.

About what Jesus meant when He told His followers to "make disciples".
And how we are doing that.
And how we are not doing that.
And how are we supposed to know what parts of our culture are worth holding onto in that endeavor.
And how are we supposed to be willing to give up some traditions or patterns of thinking that inhibit us in making disciples?

About what Jesus meant when He said that He, in fact, IS God.
And then proceeded to act very differently than the God everyone expected.
And what that means about the nature of God.
And what that means about the way we view history.
And what that means about the way we see and treat broken people.

Sometimes it is also good to stop all that discussion and complexity and just burst out:

"You know? I'm pretty madly in love with Jesus."

[I am. I really am.]


JoHanna said...

Hello, I enjoy your blog and I am madly in love with Jesus, too!!

Becca said...

Thanks for taking the time to comment, JoHanna!

I like to try to figure things out. The "how" and "why" is very important to me, and I engage things more as I explore them... But sometimes my relationship with God becomes so cerebral that I miss the wonder. And I have to step back and just marvel... and rest in His love for me, even though I don't have Him figured out.

I want to love Jesus simply, not simplistically... You know?

Johanna said...

Definitely good to have balance... Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Matt.22:37